We assume the really serious changes i our lives
happen slowly, over time.
But it's not true.
The big stuff happens in an instant.
Sometimes, you don't even know anything is changed.
You think you're still you, and your life is still your life,
but you wake up one day and look around...
and you you don't recognize anything...
not anything at all.
Grey's Anatomy
niestety to prawda - najważniejsze zmiany nadchodzą tak szybko, że nie jesteśmy w stanie się na nie przygotować a wszystko odbywa się w bardzo brutalny sposób.
OdpowiedzUsuńcóż można podsumować to jednym słowem - życie ;)
We move too fast to realize the slow changes that overcome us. But then, if we didn't move as fast as we did, lose ourselves in this life, then we would never change at all.